Home owner info 屋主信息

Home owner info 業主信息
Please submit info and documents on this page or send all the info to Bob@BobZhong.com. Thank you!
Any person remitting rents to a non-resident is required to withhold and remit to the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) 25% of the gross rents paid. 任何將租金匯給非居民的人都必須預扣並向加拿大稅務局 (“CRA”) 繳納已支付總租金的 25%。
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Please upload your ID (such as passport, driver's licence or PR card). 請上傳您的身份證(如護照、駕照或者楓葉卡
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please upload one of below, Property tax notice, city utility bill or a title certificate. 請提交以下其中任何一份文件以證明產權:地稅通知單、水費單或者產權登記書。
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Your rental income will be deposited into this account around the middle of each month. 您的租金收入會在每個月中存入該銀行賬戶。
You can email all the files to Bob@BobZhong.com.